Python and Pandas reading data from OpenML

The Open Machine Learning project is a movement to build online ecosystem for machine learning - it is free and open. It is huge repository of datasets that everyone can access. It is like UCI Machine Learning Repository but modern.

Let’s try to read example dataset with Python and Pandas.

Python and Pandas data reading from OpenML

As example, let’s take Adult data set (link on It has id 1590. You can download data manually from the web browser or read it directly in your python code.

Before going to code, you need to get OpenML API Key:

  1. Register at openml and login
  2. Go to your profile (top, right corner)
  3. Search for API Authentication button - your API key will looks like similar to this: adsd09asd0asd0asd0asd0a

OK, API keys are ready. You will need to install openml python package (pip install openml). Let’s code.

Written on February 1, 2019